Sunday, April 6, 2014

Art for thought

Hello everyone,

From previous posts, I had mentioned revisting an old hobby of mine - art!

For my birthday, I received some pastels, art paper, and sketch pencils, and have been having the time of my life. Art has been a great release for me and often helps me clear my head.

I've been focusing mainly on landscapes, but occasionally I do some abstract strange pieces.

The piece above is an abstract rendition of a terrarium with marimo balls. These moss balls are normally found in the bottom of Japanese lakes and are supposed to bring everlasting luck in Japanese tradition.

My art pieces have consisted mainly of things I enjoy taking photographs of (sunsets, nighttime views), as well as my own musings. Working with pastels has definitely been a fun journey. I'm naturally a messy person, so working with pastels works perfectly with my personality. You work with various color palettes, mixing in colors onto a blank canvas. I usually use my fingers to mix in the colors, so by every finished session, my fingers are varying shades of blue, purple, green.

Please stay tuned for the occasional posts on new artwork!

Until next time, happy eating all!

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